
Make Money With Facebook Guide

Author: Wan Firdaus


Did you know all the craze about facebook right now?Facebook is the second most trafficked website in the United States,after Google and giving everyone access to over 50 million of their users. Facebook is doubling in size once every six months,300,000 users per day. More than 60 percent of users are outside of college age.
So,how to monetize the population,and of course start making money with facebook?Follow these steps :

  1. Register a Facebook account - Fill in your individual information in the Full Name, Last Name, Email, New Password, I am and Birthday boxes from the Sign Up area on the right then click the Sign Up button.The security check appears,type the letters in the box. Then click the Sign Up button then login your Email and confirm your Facebook account from the site.
  2. Adding Friends - Remember,add only targeted friends and do not join the game groups.I have made $200 a month using laser targeted and specific adding technique.For business and mass adding,I recommend you to use Facebook Friend Adder software for Microsoft Windows.New version will cost you $37,the guy is selling his licensed copy for $10 only.This software will allow you to automate the task sending friend request,mass friend message,mass wall poster and many more.
  3. Create a Facebook Fanpage - Create a fanpage for your business subject, e.g - how to eliminate acne (register for a health affiliate program first) and get the links and products of your choice.Create your fanpage,make it as catchy as you can and suggest your new friends to 'like' your facebook fanpage.
  4. How to make your first sale on facebook - As compelled as I am,the last step cannot be completed without getting a guide titled : Make $500 Using Facebook.As lazy as I am,I made $200 sale last month using the guide believe it or not.I was shocked when I received my Paypal email notifications!
It's up to you if you really want to make quick money using facebook or not,because each and everyday,more and more new people joins facebook.If you're interested,download the Make $500 Using Facebook.
Remember,to make more money,you have to invest a little,even $1 because nothing comes for free in life.

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About the Author

I'm a blogger,contributor at MediaMacro,Reviews and Guide and I'm here only to write and share my views on precious information I stumbled across the internet.